Thursday, March 24, 2011

Lessons Learned from Toddlers | Snohomish Children's Photographer

I say lessons learned, but trust me, I remain in ongoing "toddler training" mode, when it comes to knowing enough tricks to have consistant success at photographing this adorable-but-challenging age group. 

I wanted to share one such lesson from a recent session at a client's home.  Of their 3 sweet daughters, their youngest was not feeling the moment, and I struggled to engage her.  We took our time, and took photos in a few different areas, including the girls' fun playroom.  But it wasn't until I let said youngest daughter have some quiet time to herself that I learned the toddler wrangling lesson of the day....  If You Let Them Go, Portraits Will Happen...

The result?  Ending up with this beautiful image:

Instead of:

(Thanks to C's mommy for letting me share! )

Now, to put this lesson into practice, and to gain new lessons learned - I will be announcing my Toddler Wrangling Casting Call!  Stay tuned for more details on that tomorrow.

Fellow photographers, I welcome you to comment with your most valuable "lesson learned" regarding photographing these fast moving little ones, too!

P.S.  Only 75 fans to go until my mini-session and prop giveaway takes place!  Have you told your friends to become a fan of my Facebook Page?  Do that, then go comment on this blog post to enter to win my giveaway!!

1 comment:

  1. I love that quiet moment and I am betting that mom does too! I have a bag of tricks, but mostly I wait and see. I find a lot of times talking lots to parents, siblings, the dog, anyone but a toddler brings about natural conversations and interraction- much like your let them go lesson! That and the Pez (if ok with parents of course! another favorite is mini marshmallows)
