Saturday, February 19, 2011

The Red Chair | Snohomish Children's Photographer

I'm alive!  After a sudden fierce case of strep throat diagnosed on Valentine's Day (nice), I'm so happy to be back to normal functioning...  I had posted an iPhone pic on my Facebook page, of my awesome craigslist red chair find, and meant to post some nicer ones immediately after that.  Well...  A couple of weeks later - here they are! 

I love my son for being ultra willing to pose for me, as long as I can do it in 10 minutes.  

My wee doggie, Bella, decided to sit still for 2 seconds for once, as well...

I'm so glad to get these up, at last!  I'm willing to cart this lovely vintage chair around town if we want to use it in an outdoor shoot somewhere.  Or my teeniest of studios here gets fantastic afternoon light, if you'd like to bring your little one to me. 

Another reason I'm grateful to be back in the land of the living?  I'm headed to Las Vegas tomorrow, woohoo!  I feel incredibly lucky to be going to WPPI, the biggest portrait photographer's convention of the year.  I'll be posting the occasional update to my facebook page, but this is my sole post of the week here on the blog.

Wishing you all a great week!  Think spring!

P. S.  So, it would be a huge thrill for me to come home and find some more entries for my giveaway, as well as more fans on the facebook page to get us closer to actually DOING said giveaway!  Pretty please?  You're the best!


  1. I want your chair! That is awesome. I never seem to find good ones... Someday! Your little guy is adorable by the way:)

  2. Thanks Alison, I do love my little man! And I snagged that chair for $45, too... Lots of craislist searching...
